After a video of it went viral on Monday, a 17-year-old boy was detained for reportedly tying a mangal sutra around the neck of a Class 12 student in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu. Prior to taking the youngster to prison and transporting him to a government-run facility for children in trouble with the law, police questioned him for seven hours on Tuesday.
The Class 12 youngster was transported to a girls' home administered by the government by the Cuddalore district child welfare committee. "There is no doubt that they were inexperienced. According to police superintendent S Sakthi Ganesan, it is a crime.
The teenager is seen in the video tying the mangal sutra as those in front of the camera begin to shower them with white flowers.
Action will be taken against those who recorded the video and disseminated it, according to another police official. The policeman stated, "We are running awareness campaigns against such offences in Chidambaram.