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  • Writer's pictureTHE DEN




From night curfew to weekend curfew to ever extending lockdowns’ in the capital from the CM who announced in the press conference and as- sured the constituents that lockdown is not a solution. He later announced that he implemented the lockdown as a last resort as he had no other way to stop the rapid- ly escalating cases in the capital and he would be out of hospital beds very soon. He comforted that this might not become the situation but it is being done to avoid it as he has no other alternative to the widespread prob- lem. And his nightmares came true as people died due to the non availability of beds in the capital.

New Delhi has a total of 46,248 beds for the treatment of Covid-19 wherein 5,348 are Covid-19 ICU’s, 19,085 are Covid-19 Oxygen Beds and 21,815 are regular Covid-19 beds. On April 20th, the clouds of loom took a turn for worse. There were beds in Delhi but there was no oxygen, there were doctors in Delhi but no one to treat the pa- tients and while there were patients increasing by the second, there was no treatment for them.

Patient’s relatives lash out on doctors in Apollo Hospital

On April 23rd, 25 patients in Jaipur Golden Hospital died due to depletion of oxygen stock. In Sir Gangaram Hospital too, 25 patients died due to low oxygen pressure. Hospitals are an institution where a patient goes for the satisfaction of the best treatment, they might be able to provide themselves with the same care at their home but they trust the word of the doctor as much as they trust their God. These patients, had they known of the result might have pre- ferred a nurse at home with a concentrator or they might have arranged their own oxygen cylinders. But they put their wrongly placed trust in the institution and the machinery of the coordination of the Hospitals, Delhi Government and the Central Government and they lost their lives for it. Dr. D. K. Balluja weeped at the conditions and the helplessness faced by the doctors at the hospitals where they inspite of giving their all could not save the patients fighting for their life.

Dr. D. K. Balluja Director Jaipur Golden Hospital

The 2021 wave or the second wave has led to a situa- tion where no one alive knows no one whose known has not passed away due to Covid-19 virus. Everyday peo- ple are dying due to non-availability of oxygen while people are still making profits hoarding and black mar- keting oxygen cylinders and concentrators. It was the time of the last resort or later, it wouldn’t have been an option either.

Bodies of covid patients waiting to be cremated in West Delhi

Inspite of all this, several people were arrested from Dwar- ka, Chandni Chowk, Jahangirpuri and Kalkaji for black marketing oxygen concentrators and cylinders. A radical segment of the society believes that at least it is available, when it comes to the life of their loved ones, they are will- ing to pay. When, they cannot get the oxygen via the legal channels, they have to pay. Morality will be for another day, it is the matter of life and death for them. One of the accused, an electrician got 6 oxygen cylinders from Ghaziabad and was selling them to the residents in the capital. He sold four, before getting caught. Had he not sold those 4 cylinders to the needy at the over charged price, four pa- tients might not have made it as the cylinders might not have reached Delhi. Morality is all good to talk about until you are facing a life or death situation for you or your loved ones. If only the value of lives was just a little more in India.

But all families can do is weep for their lost ones.

On April 20th, our team called Satyawadi Raja Harish Chandra Hospital and the other hospitals in Delhi that showed availability of beds on the Delhi government portal, they all assured of the availability of beds but had no oxygen to support them.

If only the value of lives was just a little more in India.

When all hope fails, there rise heroes to save the day

Oxygen Langar

The Governments fought on oxygen, the courts inter- vened for oxygen, the bureaucrats lobbied for oxygen, but came the heroes that started a langar(traditionally free food and drinks irrespective of caste or religion) of oxygen. A social service where they risked their own lives to save those in need of oxygen by arranging oxy- gen cylinders and providing oxygen in cars to patients dying in the need of oxygen. They were neither doctor nor trained medical professionals, they were just citizens that volunteered to save those in need. The selflessness saved hundreds of lives and they did not do it for money instead they paid it out of their own religious institution, just to save lives of all religions. It is in situations like these when you realise humanity still lives, humanity will live and humanity is what will save the world, a world which is in an urgent need of saving.

Oxygen langar by Gurudwara

Sardar Patel Covid Care Centre and Hospital Chattarpur

While Delhi was suffering from acute shortage of oxygen and beds for the covid infected patients, stepped in another religious sect with oxygen beds at Radha Soami Satsang Beas in Chattarpur. The capacity of 5000 beds to lend a hand to the country to the fight against covid was a game changer at that moment. With over 30,000 patients testing posi- tive in Delhi daily, this came as of huge help to the administration.

5000 bed oxygen facility in Chattarpur

Social Media

While the governments were fighting and courts were intervening, entered the people with their social media accounts to do the job. From, volunteering information, to verifying it. They did it all, the mechanism was, if there was anyone in need, add the person’s details, hospital name, attendant’s name, attendant’s contact information and the need and put it to your story. That story was either shared by people or put it as their own stories. Someone would now find your need, or find another story that has been verified by someone in their known and be given to you as a solution. Whether, it was fabiflu, remdesivir, oxygen cylinders or concentrators, the social media did it all. Once, the patient acquired the material, they would thank everyone and put another sto- ry that they have received it so that no one wastes time finding it and can focus, if want to other people in need.

Food Providers

The restaurant industry has been affected badly since the time covid entered with people being scared of the virus, avoided eating out. From the waiter to the chef, to the last person who dined at the table, the virus could easily get to you as no one can wear masks while sipping a drink or having their favourite cuisine. It led to a change in the habits of people, from eating out to home cooked or delivered meals. With the second wave in town, a few of these restaurants stepped in by providing the patients in home care with the meal of their choice from the menu without any charge. With the hospitality industry already suffering with the change in trend, they stepped in because they had the capability to, they would incur costs but they would make a customer for life, the patient who was too weak to cook a meal got it from their favourite restaurant in the time of need will be forever in debt and the affinity will never cease to exist.

Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Covid Care Hospital at Gurudwara Rakab Ganj

The Bhai Lakhi Shah Vanjara Hall in Gurudwara Rakab Ganj Sahib was converted into a covid facility. The 250 oxygen bed facility was tied up with the upcoming facility in Ramlila Maidan where any patient who requires ICU or emergency assistance can be shifted. Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee president Manjinder Singh Sirsa said that while DSGMC ambulances will be deployed, the Delhi government will appoint a nodal officer and provide medical staff. In these testing times, humanity still comes out on top.

Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Covid Care Hospital where it reads CORONA CAN KILL HUMANS BUT NOT HUMANITY


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