Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Friday slammed the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for spending ‘thousands of crores’ on the new secretariat building in the national capital just to make it ‘look like a matchbox.’ His remarks came after the BJP President JP Nadda accused him of not carrying out any development work in the state.
“The BJP spent thousands of crores and made a secretariat similar to a matchbox (Hazzaro crore rupiya waha laga diye, aur kya bana…matchis ki dibbi). The windows rattle each time a breeze flows. It is a symbol of their corruption," he was seen telling the reporters in a video.
On JP Nadda’s visit in the state, he said that the BJP chief was visiting Chhattisgarh to study the development model of the Congress government in the state. "BJP comes here to learn our state model. Our schemes have been adopted by the Center. BJP doesn't fight alone, uses Central agencies like ED, IT and CBI," Baghel told media persons.
Earlier on Friday, the BJP president held a roadshow with party leaders and workers in Raipur and said that ‘people like Bhupesh Baghel are against development and only want to fill the treasures of Congress.’ “Our tribal brothers were killed here and CM Baghel was with Rahul Gandhi in Kerala," he said.
(Except for the headline and the pictorial description, this story has not been edited by THE DEN staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)