The Jammu and Kashmir government has begun work to modernise the school days after a Class 3 student pleaded with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a video message to guarantee basic amenities at her school in the Kathua area. Ravi Shankar Sharma, the director of school education in Jammu, visited the public school that is located in the isolated Lohai-Malhar block after seeing Seerat Naaz's video appeal to the prime minister last week, which was extensively circulated on social media.
"A project worth ₹ 91 lakh was sanctioned to upgrade the school on modern lines but the work was stalled due to some issue related to administrative approval. It has now been sorted out and the work is underway," Sharma said after visiting the school.
Naaz complained that because of the school's poor state, kids are forced to sit on the grimy flooring, which frequently stains their clothes. She also brought up issues with open defecation, the building's incomplete construction, and the poor state of the restrooms.