A Delhi Court on Monday remanded former National Stock Exchange chief Chitra Ramkrishna to 14 days of judicial custody in the NSE co-location scam case. The CBI informed the court that Ramkrishna has been giving evading replies and not cooperating in the investigation. Defence counsel sought home-cooked food for Ramkrishna during the judicial custody to which the judge said the food in judicial custody is also good. "I have had the food many times," the judge said. Permission for a prayer book and a mask was also sought to which the judge said she is not a VIP. “VIP prisoners want everything. Then every rule should be changed. Every prisoner is the same. She's not a VIP,” the judge said. The CBI produced Chitra, who was apparently influenced by a Himalayan yogi to appoint Anand Subramanian as the group operating officer of NSE before the court as her 7-day custody expired today. The probe agency had arrested Ramkrishna on March 6, a day after her anticipatory bail application was dismissed by the court.
The case of Himalayan Yogi and the co-location one are different but involve the same characters. The FIR was registered in May 2018 that some brokers were given early access to the markets. brokers could place their servers within the stock exchange premises giving them faster access to the markets. It is alleged that some brokers in connivance with insiders abused the algorithm and the co-location facility to make windfall profits. Capital markets regulator Sebi has penalised NSE, Chitra Ramkrishna and other former officials for lapses in recruitment. Sebi observed that the NSE and its top executives violated securities contract norms relating to the appointment of Anand Subramanian as group operating officer and advisor to the managing director. Chitra Ramkrishna said she was influenced by a Himalayan Yogi in appointing Subramanian.
(Except for the headline and the pictorial description, this story has not been edited by THE DEN staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)