The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has attached assets worth ₹2,747 crores belonging to ABG Shipyard Limited and its associate companies. The attached assets include a shipyard at Surat and Dahej located in Gujarat, agricultural lands and plots, various commercial and residential premises in Gujarat and Maharashtra and bank accounts owned by ABG Shipyard Ltd., its group companies and other related entities.
The ED claimed to have traced movable and immovable assets totalling ₹2,747.69 crore belonging to ABG Shipyard Ltd, its group companies, Bermaco Energy Systems Ltd, Dhananjay Datar, Savita Dhananjay Datar, Krishna Gopal Toshniwal, Viren Ahuja and attached them under the provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002.
The SBI, with an exposure of ₹2,468.51 crore, was part of a consortium of 28 banks and financial institutions led by the ICICI Bank, CBI officials had said.