In the early hours of Thursday, a fire started at a hotel in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh's Mathura district, killing two people. The fire that started at Hotel Vrindavan Garden at around 6.30 am has badly injured one more person. Umesh, 30, and Biri Singh, 40, two hotel staff, have been named deceased.
The fire started in the kitchen store room on the hotel's top floor on Mathura-Vrindavan Road. Two ambulances and two fire engines were dispatched right away, it continued.
"When they arrived, they saw that the first floor's storeroom was on fire (of the hotel). There were approximately 100 guests in the hotel, and they were all evacuated. After a one and a half hour battle, the fire brigade was able to put out the flames", Mathura's top fire officer, Pramod Sharma reported.