Telangana chief minister K Chandrashekar Rao on Tuesday instructed the officials to organise the Swatantra Bharata Vajrotsavam (Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav) in grandeur and majestic way that exults people with patriotic fervor. KCR also instructed them to distribute the national flags free of cost to the people.
The celebrations of the Azadi a Amrit Mahotsav will be organised by the state government from August 8 to 22.
The chief minister, during a high-level meeting held at Pragati Bhavan with a Committee headed by K Keshava Rao and other top officials, suggested measures to be taken to make it a grand success, including hoisting of national flag on every house on August 15.
CM KCR instructed the officials to start the distribution of flags from August 9.
He appealed from students in the schools to employees, higher officials, people representatives, youth and the entire Telangana community to participate in the celebrations with enthusiasm.
"The Chief Minister decided to organize the inaugural function of the Vajrotsavam at HICC in Hyderabad. CM said cultural programmes with freedom spirit, patriotic national songs and Rastriya Salute with Army and Police bands will be conducted. Later, the opening remarks, the Chairman's speech and CM KCR special speech on Vajrotsavam and vote of thanks will be there in the programme," read an official statement.
Other decisions taken during the meeting include the decoration of public places like bus stands railway stations, airports, hospitals and shopping malls.
All government buildings along with historical structures will be lit up with colourful lights.
(Except for the headline and the pictorial description, this story has not been edited by THE DEN staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)