In the Bhowanipore neighbourhood of Kolkata, a group of persons allegedly pretended to be CBI investigators and conducted a raid at a businessman's home, "seizing" a sizable sum of money in the process.
On Monday, around 8 am, a group of 7-8 guys, according to Suresh Wadhwa, 60, arrived at his home on Rupchand Mukherjee Lane and began performing a "search."
In the name of "seizure," the men, who arrived to Wadhwa's home in three vehicles, stole $30,000 and jewellery from him.
The men used three vehicles carrying police stickers as they arrived. They rushed in as I opened the door and introduced themselves as CBI officers. Although I had asked them to do so, they chose not to comply, the businessman said.
The men informed the businessman that the "seizure list" would be given to him before departing the premises with Rs 30 lakh and jewellery worth another few lakh.
The detective division of Kolkata Police and its associates from Bhowanipore Police Station has launched an investigation into the "crime" in response to the businessman's accusation.
The men were tall, well-built, and carrying "lathis" during the "operation" at Wadhwa's home, according to the initial investigation.