In the Una area of Himachal Pradesh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi signalled the departure of the fourth Vande Bharat Express train on Thursday. With upcoming assembly elections, this is the state's first Vande Bharat train. "The train will travel between Delhi and Amb Andura at a semi-high speed. Except for Wednesdays, it will run every day, a senior railways official told HT on Wednesday. Bhupender Yadav, a union minister, posted a video of PM Modi waving the train off.
With the launch of the new service, the travel time between Delhi and Chandigarh would be brought down to three hours from next week onwards. It would take around five hours to cover the distance from the national capital to Himachal Pradesh. "It accelerates to 100 Km/h in just 52 seconds. The introduction of the train will help boost tourism in the region and provide a comfortable and faster mode of travel," reads a government statement. It would also help pilgrims and devotees visiting religious places in Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana, the Railways Ministry said.