On social media, a video of a police officer saving two kids from drowning at Mumbai's Juhu beach has gone viral. On Friday night, the event happened at Juhu Koliwada Beach. On Twitter, the news agency ANI posted the video.
It displayed Vishnu Bhaurao Bele, a policeman of the Santacruz Police Station, risking his life by diving into dangerously deep water to save the kids, who were ages 7 and 10.
ANI wrote a caption "Santacruz Police station constable Vishnu Bhaurao Bele safely rescued two drowning children aged 7&10 from the sea at Juhu's Koliwada, Juhu Beach".
The two children can be seen in the video being unable to swim to safety because they are caught in the strong ocean currents. At Juhu Beach, Mr. Vishnu was subsequently observed putting his life in danger by diving into the water to save two young children who had entered the water alone.