In an alleged misappropriation of funds case filed against him in Ahmedabad, the Supreme Court on Monday granted bail to RTI (Right To Information) activist turned Trinamool Congress (TMC) spokesperson Saket Gokhale. Gokhale was arrested by the Gujarat police on December 29 while travelling by Delhi. He had filed a petition with the Supreme Court to challenge the Gujarat high court's February decision to deny him bail.
“Taking into consideration that the charge sheet has already been filed, the applicant is directed to be released on bail,” said a bench of justices BR Gavai and Vikram Nath.
The case pertains to the alleged misuse of money he had collected through crowdfunding during the Covid pandemic where he had allegedly collected money from over 1,700 persons through a crowdfunding platform “Our Democracy” which was supposed to be used for legal aid, journalism and other public purposes.