Wearing masks is a mandatory in India, especially Delhi, with a fine of Rs. 2000 for not wearing one. While, it is an important precaution against the Covid-19 virus, is the law being implemented to prevent the virus or is just being misused to generate government revenue and harass citizens.
Clubs and restaurants have been witnessed crowded to full capacity in the Capital with no one wearing masks or maintaining social distancing with alcohol, smokes and food free flowing and no one being fined for not wearing masks.
While, on the other hand, a person driving alone in the car will be and has been fined for not wearing a mask. Can a person travelling alone in an enclosed space catch the corona virus from himself or herself.
Travelling alone or a couple that lives together, eats together, sleep together without wearing a mask in their home can catch Covid 19 from their car, a car that is privately owned and operated by them. How has the car suddenly become a hotspot for Covid 19 ? A club with public interaction does not need a mask while a car that is safe in every aspect, travelling in it will require a mask or you will be fined Rs. 2000 each for violating copied norms. Such is the state of affairs in the Capital of India.
Questioned as to the legality of the same, the SDM (East) representing the Delhi government referred a judgement by the Supreme Court on consuming alcohol in a private vehicle, “shall be deemed to be a public place in view of the fact that when a private vehicle is passing through a public road, it cannot be accepted that the public have no access to it. It is true that the public may not have access to such a private vehicle as a matter of right but the public have the opportunity to approach the private vehicle while it is on the public road” which is sheer misappropriation of the law relating masks to alcohol.
While India is busy fining Rs. 2000 per head, countries like US & Uk have completely forgone masks, realising that it can not be a way of life and is not a permanent solution.
UK eliminated the mandatory masks on July 20, 2021 with giving the citizens the choice as to wearing it, when they feel the need.
USA eliminated the mandatory masks on May 14, 2021 with again giving the citizens the choice as to wearing it, when they feel the need.