Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray on Wednesday was admitted to a hospital for the treatment of neck pain, an official statement issued by the chief minister's office (CMO) said. In an official statement, Thackeray said that he has neglected his neck pain in his commitment to the government's battle against the Covid-19 pandemic. “I didn't even have time to lift my neck, of course, I said no to my neck pain, but I ignored it a little bit and the effect on my neck happened,” the statement said.
“The doctor advised me to get proper treatment for this pain and will stay in the hospital for two or three days and get the proper treatment,” it added.
The chief minister further stated that it is very important for everyone to take two doses of Covid-19 vaccines. “All you need to do is go to the nearest centre and get vaccinated immediately to keep your life safe,” he said.
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