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1926: Birth of electronic television Engineer John Logie Baird succeeded in transmitting the first
long-range images on a television screen, marking the birth of
electronic television. It took place in the Alexander Palace
broadcast tower in north London. His puppet, known as old
puppet Bill, was the first being to appear on a television screen.
1950: Arrival of Color Television
After a decade of work, testing, and demonstration, color
television emerged, which got possible by tinting the images.
1960: Satellite Television
Telstar 1, known as the first telecommunications satellite, is
launched into space. Thus satellite television was born. In order
for satellite television to work, the satellite dishes that are still in
use had to be installed.
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From the Editor - Ruchika Rawan

From the Editor - Ruchika Rawan

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The Invention Of Salons

Top 10 cars for 50 crores for the Ultra-rich by Priyanshu Rajput,

The Invention Of Lingerie

Final Look for “her going to the past”

Concept of the month - Saab Aero X

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