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What Carrier accomplished was eliminating the moisture
generated by the water and introducing products that humans
could breathe into the mechanism. In its early days, Carrier
used Faraday's ammonia and other chemicals. Today, this discovery is explained as, "a mixture of
fluorocarbons, chemicals that absorb large amounts of heat
when converting from a liquid to a gas," are used. A metal
circuit, a fan and a compressor complete the game.
By the time the technique was found to work, Willis Carrier had
lost his job at Buffalo Forge and teamed up with six other
people to start his own company, Carrier Engineering
Corporation. Starting from an investment of $32,600, the company
managed to export its idea all over the world. To do this, they
had prestigious customers and found their best allies in
cinemas to promote their devices.
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From the Editor - Ruchika Rawan

From the Editor - Ruchika Rawan

The Inventions that have changed the world

The Inventions that have changed the world

‘The War of Currents’ 
 - Thomas Alva Edison Vs Nikola Tesla

‘The War of Currents’
- Thomas Alva Edison Vs Nikola Tesla

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