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Electricity is so present in our daily lives that we tend to think
of it as a fundamental necessity. But do you know how it
became possible? The first documented contact with electricity took place in
ancient Greece when Thales of Miletus in the 5th century BC.
saw that, after vigorously rubbing a small piece of amber, it
acquired the property of attracting small particles. This
phenomenon later became known as static electricity. Also,
electricity owes its name to its Greek philosopher, as it derives
from the Greek word elektron, which means amber.
Three centuries later, Theosphrates was the first to conduct a
study of electricity, documenting various related phenomena. Then a century later, in 1752, American scientist Benjamin
Franklin demonstrated that lightning is a phenomenon of
electrical nature, a kind of giant spark. This observation,
coupled with von Guericke's insights into sharp objects,
enabled him to invent the lightning rod. It was a pointed pole
that, placed on buildings or ships, protected them from the
effects of electricity from clouds.
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