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In the 18th century, the experimental work that began in the
previous century was accelerated. Other effects were soon
discovered and new paraphernalia developed while new
concepts were defined, an essential preliminary step in
understanding electrostatic phenomena.  We owe the Englishman Stephen Gray for the discovery of
electrification by influence, consisting of the possibility of
electrifying a body at a distance, without direct contact, as well
as the distinction between conductive bodies, which allow
electricity to spread, and insulating bodies, which inhibit this
Later, Alexander Volta's research in the 19th century allowed
him to develop the first chemical cells capable of storing
electricity. This is how he invented the battery. Names like
Faraday, Ohm, Ampere, or Morse made their progress in the
same century. Already at the end of the century, personalities such as Edison
or Tesla emerged, who with their research changed the course
of history and made electricity the central axis of our lives.
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From the Editor - Ruchika Rawan

From the Editor - Ruchika Rawan

The Inventions that have changed the world

The Inventions that have changed the world

‘The War of Currents’ 
 - Thomas Alva Edison Vs Nikola Tesla

‘The War of Currents’
- Thomas Alva Edison Vs Nikola Tesla

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