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‘The War of Currents’ 
Thomas Alva Edison Vs Nikola Tesla
While Thomas Edison is known for several inventions, he was 
also a canny businessman who could commercialize inventions 
and turn them into profitable businesses. Nikola Tesla was just 
the opposite: a prolific inventor who died penniless.
When Tesla first moved to the United States, he idolized Edison 
and got a job under him. However, they soon had a falling out 
and Tesla resigned. An epic AC versus DC rivalry later 
developed between Edison and Tesla. In the early days of 
electricity, Edison held patents related to direct current and 
was a proponent of using this technology to transmit electricity 
over long distances. However, direct current is unwieldy and 
alternating current (AC), which Tesla invented, has proven to 
be a vastly superior technology for electrical transmission
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From the Editor - Ruchika Rawan

From the Editor - Ruchika Rawan

The Inventions that have changed the world

The Inventions that have changed the world

‘The War of Currents’ 
 - Thomas Alva Edison Vs Nikola Tesla

‘The War of Currents’
- Thomas Alva Edison Vs Nikola Tesla

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