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Benefits • Gain wisdom and improve intellectual power.
• Become more creative and innovative.
• Financial Gains.
•Better Communication Skills.
• Carry faithfulness, love, and fertility.
•Gain Fame.
• Also, Since it is known as the “Stone of Successful Love”, it
heals the heart and opens it for the Heart Chakra. Providing
overall healing so you can learn to love yourself, and the
people around you and see things in a positive light.
Yellow Sapphire (Pukharaj)
Color- Yellow
Planet - Jupiter     The yellow sapphire or Pukhraj stone is one of the most
precious gems on the planet. It carries a host of metaphysical
properties to fill your life with wealth, happiness, and wellbeing.
The stone represents Jupiter, which occupies a
dominant position on the planetary sphere.
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From the Editor - Ruchika Rawan

From the Editor - Ruchika Rawan

Indian Superstitions and logic behind them!

Indian Superstitions and logic behind them!

The Gemstones and its properties

The Gemstones and its properties

The Conspiracies

The Conspiracies

Interview with Guiding Light - Astrologer Shreya

Interview with Guiding Light - Astrologer Shreya

The Evil Eye

The Evil Eye

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