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Benefits• Red Coral increases the wearer's energy level
• Helps to overcome obstacles.
• Its healing properties act as a shield, protecting against cuts,
bruises, and other injuries.
•It is said to be beneficial for people with Manglik Dosha and to
help bring positivity into relationships.
• Helps reduce irritation, a bad mood, and extreme mood
• It's even useful in managing finances and growth on the
professional front, like team management and leadership.
The Conspiracies   The Bermuda Triangle 
 The mystery of the Bermuda triangle, 'a patch of the sea', said
to have caused the disappearance of countless ships and planes
that have transited it, has fascinated scientists for years. The
triangle is an area of the North Atlantic between Bermuda to
the north, Puerto Rico to the south, and Florida to the west. An
average of four planes and twenty ships are reported to
disappear in the area each year without leaving any trace
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From the Editor - Ruchika Rawan

From the Editor - Ruchika Rawan

Indian Superstitions and logic behind them!

Indian Superstitions and logic behind them!

The Gemstones and its properties

The Gemstones and its properties

The Conspiracies

The Conspiracies

Interview with Guiding Light - Astrologer Shreya

Interview with Guiding Light - Astrologer Shreya

The Evil Eye

The Evil Eye

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